Saturday, November 30, 2013

Be Productive and Multiply

As you will discover my beliefs,  my views are from the Bible.  I believe the bible could be called  Basic Instructions before leaving earth.     B I B L E.

God is Spirit, and since we were created in God's Image and likeness.  He created humans to be spirits also,  Spirits will never die.  Just as God will never die.  God is 3 in one     Father, Son and Holy Spirit so He designed humans to be 3 in one   spirits,  who have souls (minds intellect) and our spirits live in our bodies
so we too are 3 in 1    spirits soul living in physical bodies.   When our spirits exit our bodies  many think we are dead.    However the bible says when our spirits exit our bodies we are present with God,  if we have repented,  our asked the  Lord to forgive us for    unbelief, hatred, jealousy, envy, racism, murder, and loads of other things that humans do.         Jesus paid for all sins,   when He allowed himself to be crucified,  He had told folk all along that in 3 days He would be raised from death.

Later,  after He was crucified,  He was seen walking with his disciples, and other believers on the Emaeus Road,  and  also talking and eating with many in the upper room.

All of what Jesus did and is still doing is recorded in the Bible.    We are asked to study the bible,  I do
and have found it to be the most accurate book ever written.
It gives the genealogy of Man  from the 1st man and woman to events that are happening in November

The end of this dispensation will end,  When Jesus the Christ returns for his bride,  the  Church  made up of believers from over 42 generations,  

John 3:16  states that        God,  so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him  would never perish but will have everlasting, life !

Saturday, February 23, 2013

We get information thrown at us and few of us take time to ask ourselves if the information is valid.  As an example we were told that we were going to go out into  space on  a space voyage.
Have you ever thought about the earth is already in space.  Earth is one of many planets and all
of them are in space.
My blog will focus on asking many of you to renew our minds from many of the things that we have simply heard and believed that are not true at all.
Let's begin by asking this question.   What is a man/woman
The common notion is that men and women are beings that have evolved into todays  .......
liars, thieves, haters, murderers, robbers, bullies, racists, rapist  etc.

I submit to you that each person is a spirit, your spirit lives in your body, and your soul is
the part of your make up that enables you to understand what you are reading. So each person
is spirit, lives in their body and we have souls. 1Thessalonians 5-23

Jesus is the one who made this world John 1-10  Because men have always sinned as they
are still doing today,  Jesus willingly paid the price of death,  by willingly laying down his life on a cross.
He demonstrated his love for you by paying for all of our sins,  past present and future so we will not have to die.   Spiritually.    John 3:16  For God (Jesus)   so loved the world that He gave his only begotten son,  so that whoever believes in Jesus would not perish but have everlasting life.